Thursday, December 13, 2007

11:30 pm Paul in Evesham says "any more peas Norma" Ryan in brighton says he stopped because of dull txters but he's started watching agian. Tim in Worhting says Phe enjoyed Pieres and Krstie did good but Hazel has to try harder.

David in Cambridge says Piers is working hard for his Pierage.

Mike in Perth says "capello for the panel.

Helen in Thame asks if its' impossible to be psh and northern.

MJJ in Execter wasjs why peiers is being so positive about Boenw

John in Leeds says Northerner are posh too.
Magsin Cornalls says for goodness sake stop printing these stupied texts about Peruvian Eartherwoms]
GD in Norfolk asks how grduates can repay mortages with loans to repay. David in Hants asks ithere's a shortage why are prices falling. Simon in Torquaty says the best managers are wither cab drivers or barbers.

Erik in Dundee says "we like peruvian earthwoms mags"

CKS in Derbyshire questions if Hazel is posh. Neil in Harwich asks if ther are any English football plaeyers i our teams. Pause Bill in Lincs says Capello can't do any worse than the previous two idiots. Sarah in cheshiure asks who wants a countryside looking like Sheffield. Pedro in Glasgow says Harry Redknapp was robbed. Bill in Penryn says it shte FA that's a liability. Sandra in Londo nsays Copello won't give in to digficult players. Rob in London says the Englsih tema is full of English people. I was bor on Peri and I care about Eerathwowmws says Mikein Hemel Hempstread. Peter in Barnsley says having a non-English manager doens not bode well.
CJT in Dartmouth asks if Simon is the only person in Torquay watching.

Pete in cambridge days to bring back major.

Gary B in Uxbridge says Gordon doesn't like a currey (joke re Major?). I an Earthwodm from Boliviacan I claim asylum - Ian No place. GP in Cornwall says WHaale posh quite northern is priceless.
11:18 pm New question abour Fabio
11:08 pm Kavin in Salfrod says Rich people get inquest and poor people don't. T in Somerset says Kirstie talks a lot of sense. Zed in Middlesbrough says Kirstie knows nothing. Andy in Glasgow laments the death of Joe Bloggs. For God's sake give the Peruvian Earthworms a decent burial from Anon. Fred in Berwisk says its good that house prices are down. Simon in Torquay cna only afford a tent. Joe Bloggs says he still alive. Lon long pause.

Baggie in Wolverhampton asks us to get Hazel a canoe. Simon in Torquay comes back with his tent mortage story. Mark in camelford says hooray nowmore hosue makeover shows. Paul in Hertofrd says flats are called apartments now. Leein Newcastle asks which colour Hzel recommend sfor him paintin his toilet. Gaqrry in Birmingham says he can't afford a ladder let alone get his foot on it. Jack in troon says it's all Kirstie's fault. Col in Sheffield asays people shuldn't be allowed to buy second or third homes. Rob in boreham says he can't affor dto pay the rent. itch in sheffield says we should ramp upo hosue building. Moira in Dundee asks how mayny times we have heard the "build more houses" malarkey. Haden in Oswestry says banks are still thowin money at people they shouldn't. Stan in Morely says the prograame is as interesting as ackground muzak,
11:02 pm David in Torquay shays we should cancel the Olympics to save the money. Long long pause here new messages. Jock in brigg asks again what the speed trap money is being spent on. Keith in Bury says he's fed up about hearing about Diana. Richard in Kent says again "oh no not Diana again". Lucy in London asks if we can leave Diana alone. NIgel in Leeeds says that Kirtie's acfent means she's a Tory. Long pause again Lisa in Eccles asks about what happened to hte Peruvian Earthworms - asks if they've beeb sacrified for inflatino. Anon says about Diana - she die, the nned. Pat in Liverpool says its the drivers fault not the cameras. Mark in camelford says whay are we so obsessedin the past. Simon oin Torquay says she died because of a drubk driver end of stsory. Jim in Glasgow asks if Joe Bloggs death would still be an issue at this stage. Lorraine in Barnsley says its teh best QT in ages and worth staying up for. IF in Brentford says Kirstie talks sense. Pedro in Glasgow says sys the lesson from Diana's death is don't drink and drive
11:00 pm New Question...Marlo Devilliers "Has the time arrived arrived that we shoud allow PRincess Diana to go and have a good rest"?
10:54 pm Martyn in Northumberland asks if Dimblebaboon only interrupts Blears. (Actually, as Dimble is interrupting Kenndey). Daivin Idle Hill asks who would arrest the policed if they went on strike. Nigel in Beds tells txter pat that Kirstie is teh best thing on the show. Chris in Stevenage says that the English are subsifing the Scottish police. Alan in Kent asks if the MP's will get a 1.9% payrise. Nicky in Leeds asks what payrise the MPs will give themselves. Mike in Lincs says poiuring money into public serices is bad. Elliot in Shrops says the olice should strike now. Mark in Chester says the taxpayer should come first, not the police. Phil in Stoke says the police deserve their backpay because they work for coppers (hoho). Paul in Bristol hopes MPs accets a 2% payrise. Mike in Chingford says we shold watch out for more police speed traps to help make up the money shortfall. Bob in Aberdeen asks why public servants should pay for Bonws mistakes. Peter in Barnsley says no one has proved that inflation is bad (!!)
10:55 pm Angela in Bognor says the polic would arrest ou if you went on strike. Chris in Hampton says Hazel looks "inanely cheerful". Deb in Newark says we back banks but not the police force. S in Pntefract makes the same point about the miners as was made previously. Simon in Torquay says the polic should rfemove protection from the Govenrment. AC in London says "pay them the money". Ron in Dundee asks if MPs payrise will be restricted to 1.9%. Peter in Sandhurst asks what percentage rise MPs got. Andy in Liverpool says its about breaking a promise. Sammy in Maida Vale says that the polic didn't make a dontation.
10:45 pm Bill in Penryns says Charlie is still his darlin'. John in Nottingham asks when the European Sstate Capital transfers to Berlin. DS in Cromer says as long as we are in Europe wwe cannot control our bodersd. Geoff in Norfolk says a referndum merely counts the ignorant. Graham in Corby says that if Brown had gone, he'd be accused of putting Europe first. Another long pause..

Pat in Broadstairs says something complciated about Kirstie Alsop. Jock in Brigg says teh underpaid police should arrest Brown. Clairein Lances says Hazel is smug and self-satisfied. A comment from Anon about the minders - I don't like anons.

Mags in Cornwall says she agrees with Piers Morgan.
10:41 pm Theo in Teddington has Gorn put the dum in referendum. Excellent. RW in Sussex says its a Xmas Turkey. Susan in Essex says Brown hasn't guts. Rita in Nottingham says its nice to have Piers Morgan back. Mal in Hull says Brown know she has done the dity on the British public. Jane in Edinburgh says that Gordon has got thsi right. Robin in Marford says Gordon didn't have the guts NOT to sign the treaty. Moira in Dundee says it always makes sense when Charlie's on. Al in Ltun says it's teh Sun that "will get 'em".

There's a long pause after this one. The editors are clearlyexpecting more interesting messages to come.

It's 10.35 and Ceefax 155 is On

10:35 I'm not interested in the telly. I'm intersted in that little Ceefax panel at the bottom. The first txt is from Robin in Coulsdon says he's happy to be the first txter. Rick and Julie in Bristol say something clever about "location location location" Graham in Cornwall says something about politics and Xmas. Jay in Montrose says Brown bottled it and is a disgrace. Sheila, AScol says to txters that we should enjoy it because it won@t be possible when we go digital. Crispin, Beare says that Brown was signing away the nexct election. David in Devizes makes a joke about David Milliband's "brother", Glen. Hohoh. Ed in Kent (old mate) says its criminal that Brown has signed without a referndum.